Business References

Chicago Dryer Corp.
Chicago Rubber Seal
Great Lakes Capitol
Elk Grove Mechanical
Jaros Tittle and O'Toole
Emerald Insurance Services
Cozzini's Inc.

: : Testimonials : :

Why Outsource with Tsi © ?

Outsourcing means finding better ways of doing business.

The globalization of the economy, rapidly improving technology, and a heightened focus
on providing customer value have significantly increased competition in nearly all markets.
This, in turn, has been the impetus for a fundamental change in how businesses view their
sourcing strategies and has forced them to look for ways to become more competitive.

Outsourcing provides this opportunity - it helps companies to look to the value chain for high
leverage areas and helps them to better utilise their resources to exploit these areas.

Outsourcing is a means to achieve competitive advantage by focusing on core competencies.

  Call for additional refferences. 

> Improve overall competitive advantage
> Predictable costs, improved service levels and outcomes - there is more discipline
> Shared risk and reward through partnerships or joint ventures
> Better demand management - scale up/down by need
> Recruiting and retaining quality IT staff by continuing to make technological and clinical advances
> Reduce and control operating expenses
> Avoid the expense and responsibility of housing your own technology
> Allow internal resources to concentrate on strategic initiatives
> Increase productivity while simplifying your IT operations
> Operate in an extremely reliable, secure, and technologically advanced environment
> Expand rapidly to meet growth, without adding staff
> Bring your site to market in less time and for less cost


  Dell Business Weekly